1. Curriculam Objective
Curriculam objective is a measurable term that describes what the learner willknow and be able to do after completing a lesson. Curriculam objective should be feasible for the teachers and learners to accomplish to the certain knowledge, skills and attitudes related with the subject.
2. Suggested Classroom Activities
Teacher asks the students to do the activities which is related to the syllabus. Let the students to find out the particular terms from the text book and make the students to prepare chart. Let the students to complete the puzzles, conducting quizzes doing interactive games which improve students spelling and subject knowledge.
3. Learning Aids
The aids used by the teacher in the classroom to make the teaching more understanding and effectively are known as the teaching learning materials or teaching aids. It can be big or small and can be bought or made easily by both the teacher or students. The learning aids includes written materials, visualizations, charts, diagrams, processes, strategies or any other appropriate item related to the subject.
4. Suggested Teaching Procedure
Identify the learning objectives Teachers can plan to access student understanding. Teachers make a plan for a lesson closure.
5. Value based Activities
The purpose of the value based activity is for students to get a better idea what they believe compared to what others in the class. Teachers can mould the behaviour of the students through telling the moral values. Make the student as a better human being in the society. Make the students aware about the current affairs. Let the students to find out their own problems and ask them to overcome such situations by themselves. Make the students mentally strong and give problem solving capacity.